
Wednesday 4 March 2015

Consider yourself as "Beautiful"

Don't you think media has raised our demands so much. Our standards has become too hard to meet. At the same time we have become materialistic. Nothing impress us but designer dresses, expensive jewelry, classy looks in short every thing which is hard to obtain is has become our demand. Now we are not able to differentiate between desires and demands.We just want to fulfill our every desire all of a sudden. without thinking that "ALL THE GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD".

 Lets take example of beauty. There was a time when simplicity was considered as beauty. But know  we see painted but beautiful faces from morning till evening and don't consider any simple lady or lady with routine look as beautiful. We usually forget that the ladies which we are watching and appreciating on TV, spends hours and take help of beauticians, stylists and designers to get a look for a 5 minute scene.
But in normal life a girl has hundred of tasks to be fulfill. She has to maintain her house which is a bundle of thousands of tasks such as taking care of family,monitoring maids (which is a most difficult task in itself), cooking, washing (utensils, clothes), entertaining guests, updating her and other family members wardrobe, if she having kids than their are countless tasks to do etc.

With such tough routine some ladies also doing jobs. Think how tough to manage normal life.

The problem is the high standards of society to considering any one beautiful. Actually we should be realistic.  The girls are running in a race of fashion and comparing ourselves with actresses and models. They have to maintain them as model to cope up the level of society.

Dear Girls I just want to tell you that outer beauty is not every thing. Don't be crazy about it and stop running in this race of fashion because it is endless. In the end you will get nothing. No need to paint your face, try to maintain natural beauty. Makeup is something to enhance your feature, it is not beauty in it self. So, focus on natural looks and stop comparing you with ladies on media.You will gain  dissatisfaction only. Your confidence is your beauty, so always think

And focus on inner beauty as well as outer. Your outer beauty will enhance automatically. :)

Here are the famous heroins which are working in kitchen and doing so called household tasks in such beautiful outfits and complete makeups.
So adopt a motto in your life

Hope you like the post. Even though it is not consist of any review but this is something which I want to share with my readers. :) If you like it or want to add something from your side please write in comments. Love you all :X TATO....


  1. Wonderful Minsa. Such a true and realistic one. When I was reading it, looked like I was reading what was in my own heart. Very nice.

  2. I just want to add that Allah has given something of beauty to every one. You just need to explore it. Its not only physical appearance but might be your good manners, intellect,humbleness, creativity,wisdom or anything else. Just discover it within yourself.
