
Saturday 4 April 2015

Latest Shopping from "Just4Girls"

Asslamo o Alaikum my sweet hearts, darlings, jaggar gosshoo, ladoos ,Sugars!!!!!!!

How are you all? How is life? Where are you my friends? Why don't you Join my Face Book page because my page is not only a page that is a hub of friends ( Yaroo ka adda :)) so join it share what you want to share, say what you want to say, no matter it must related to beauty. You can share with me any thing in your heart:) So, don't be sad if your friends are so busy and don't have time to listen to you or you have no friend or feeling depress or leading a boring routine life. No matter I am here for you. So, Your motto must be Minsa ka Page join kia to baat bani". hehehe :) 

Well today I am going to share a shopping experience with you. Recently I placed order to and after receiving my ordered products I was restless to share them with you guys.

As you all know Just4Girls is a reputed online shopping store. But don't know why they were out of form few months back ( may be fitness problem as our cricketers..hehe). But you will be glad to know that is back in form ..... Yup they are back in race. Excellent Service, New stock, Quick delievry, Amazing customer service what not???  So as I found they are back in business I placed another order (as I have placed many orders in past) and you know What I got my stuff right after 5 days. Yup Dear only 5 days..... :) 

Have a look .....

Here is the products description.
  • Wet N Wild Mega Last Matte Lip Color - In The Flesh
  • Wet N Wild Mega Eyes Creme Eye Liner - Black
  • Wet N Wild Mega Last Matte Lip Color - Rose Bud
  • MUA Pearl Eyeshadow - Shade 26
  • Jordana Lipstick - Pumpkin
  • Jordana Matte Lipstick - Matte Rafael
  • Jordana Matte Lipstick - Matte Blazing Mango
  • Jordana Matte Lipstick - Matte Fiery Coral
  • Jordana Matte Lipstick - Matte Rose Lust
The Envelop and Eye pencil of Essence was free gift. In that envelop there was a photo frame made by card/ stuff paper from Essence. Well gifts makes me happy regardless their price or worth. So, I felt happy to find that.

Overall I am very happy and satisfied with services of :) and advice you to grab the products of new brands because they are with really nominal price tags.
Detail Review of each product will be posted soon after using them. hehe. Till than take very good care of yourself. Don't forget to like my FaceBook Page. Love you Lollipops. TATO


  1. W.salam Minsa the great,jiggar,sugar and all above hehehe im fine thanks :) Alhamdulillah life is well and let me tell you what a fun post it is :D I enjoyed a lot :) and you know im on your Facebook page too. Do share prices next time tc :)

    1. Yes dear Rabiya I know you very well!!! the most active reader....<3 ,Really happy to see that you like the post. Keep visiting dear ...

  2. Waiting for the swatches!!
    You have a lovely Blog <3
    There is no following button babe.

    1. Thank you so much Saleha !!!! Your appreciation made my day... <3

  3. hi dear .....
    stopping by for first time and love your warm welcome bow bowhhh style...
    ve to follow u.:-)

    1. Thank you so much dear!!! Every single comment by any lovely fellow like you encourages me. Keep visiting. :)

  4. Great stuff you've got. Enjoy:)

  5. Mazaydar post. Yaron ka adda is so good.
