
Tuesday 7 April 2015

Review of flat Sandals bought from "Metro Shoes & Stylo Shoes"

Asslam o Alaikum Cinderellas!!!!!!!!

I told you in my previous post about my shopping from various stores of Lahore. I show you all the stuff. Than I thought why not a review on shoes??? After all it was a shoe who helped Cinderella to get a prince. SO, we can't deny the importance of shoe. If we deny all shoe can arrange a "Dharna with a CONTAINER" ;) after all its beauty of democracy ;) haha....:)

Lets talk about the orange sandals. When I entered the shop I was determined not to buy any shoes with multiple strips on front and back. I don't understand about the trend setters of Pakistan. If any trends or fad introduces in society all manufacturers stop focusing on variety and start manufacturing same type of products . They produce and produce even people get fed up from same kind of products and than fashion / trends/ fad changes. (Kuffar toota KHUDA KHUDA kar k) You can take examples of Lawn ( Same fronts and boarders ) Laces ( Two types one is Indian with shine, Tilla, gold, beads etc other is strip ribbon like. Where the old flowers made by thread and various patterns has gone )  Many be you don't agree with me but I feel if a new trend comes every one go crazy about it.

Coming back to shoes , There were not enough variety of flats as compare to bridal wear, heels , pumps, etc. After trying almost 15 old designs I like this orange one. As bright orange is so pretty and fresh color. You can see the green and Royal Blue triangles. These triangles are made by embroidery. and the base of sandal is light golden. These sandals are light weight and comparable. If use with care these sandals can stay new for good 4 to 5 month even more. 

Price: I got them in only PKR 650.

Now talk about the black one. I bought them from Metro shoes. These are very comfortable salads with silver studs and jet black base. It has sea green and bright pink strips. Overall it is a graceful pair. o I love it too. 

Price: I also got this pair in PKR 650.

I hope you like this post. Take Care. Love you. TATO..... Follow me on FaceBook.


  1. Nice review dear! Following u on GFC do follow back so we can keep in touch :D Good luck!

    1. Thank you so much Dear for your love. Keep visiting and appreciating :) And yah I have joined your blog. :) :) :)

  2. Like your sandals specially black one.

  3. Love your review. Sandels look so pretty. Love your blog. Following you.
