
Thursday 14 July 2016

Why Youngsters Are Anti-Aunt..... Here Are 6 Reasons

You will be thinking about the title? Did you find it weirdo? I don’t think so… because it is not only my “ Dard Bharri Kahani”. You all must have aunts in your lives. Right???? Then I am cent per cent sure that you can understand it and relate with it. No? First read it and then decide.
Now, for those luckiest people who don’t have such trouble in their lives, I am going to define “Aunt”.

So my dear fellows “An aunt is a creature who remains in mood of rapid fire all the time. Such type of creature is really harmful for your privacy, mostly found in wedding ceremonies, family gatherings and packed places. There are many types of aunts such as irritating, ill genius, over confident, self-assumer etc. Usually ladies get these “Aunty Panna ” disease after the age of 45 but be careful some newly  married girls could also suffer with this problem. You will be thinking why I am annoyed from these innocent creatures but I have valid reasons to do so. As I told you these are the worst enemies of your privacy so they can ask you anything in public & you can’t do anything except answer their questions. Escape ??? No, Never …. Not possible. Your rude expressions, brief answers nothing could discourage them. They will be keeping whatever they want. So, the most frequent and irritating questions which I discovered after doing a survey are given below.  

11)      When will you get married?
The most frequently asked and “Pakkao” question would be “Koi Larka/Larki daikhi hai?”. Uffff this question is enough to do “Dimag Ka Dahi”. Doesn’t matter you have told her that you want to study or focus on your career she will be telling you about the advantages of married life. (KHALLA G APNA KAAM KIU NAI KRTI AAP)
2)      What are you studying these days?
Doesn’t matter you have told them dozens of times, aunt will ask about your studies every time, they will see you? “BAITA KONSI CLASS MAAY HO?” Similarly every time right after you answer, she will start praising the intelligence and achievements of her own children or will start comparing you with the most brilliant student of the family. Brrrrrr … I mean why?? (AUNTY G TUSSI APNI ACADMY KIU NAI KHOL LAINDAY ?)

33)      When will you have a baby?
Another “ Atomic” question …This time situation is little different. This question is for newly married couples especially for girls. “ O Girl You are married now? When will you start your family?”. Ohh Gosh …. This question could blow anyone out. Not only this, she will ask the same question from a mother of one but with a different style like “when sibling of your baby is coming?” …… Brrrr.  (AUNTY G PAHLAY BTAA DAITI MAY KAKA JAHAIZ MAAY HI LAAY AATI)

44)      Hiiiii Allah…… what happened with your skin?
I personally hate this question. Imagine you are happy, wearing a classy piece from your wardrobe, having a perfect makeup and as soon you enter to the venue, you heard a screech “ Hiiii why there are pimples on your face or why have you been tanned?” OMG! Why can’t we kill anyone? Then immediately she will be suggesting you some remedies. Dear mix some tobacco in lime water and put it on your face daily or mix little Sodium Hydroxide in Hydro chloric acid and use it once a week. Brrrrrr (AUNTY G WHY DON’T YOU GET THE OWNERSHIP OF DEPILEX?)

55)      What is your salary?
This question is for boys. As soon a boy gets a job, this news spread with a speed faster than the speed of light. Now wherever he will encounter with any “Aunty” he would be asked about his salary. (BOY : AUNTY AAP INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT MAY TO NII HOTI???)

6)      Why have you become fat/Slim?
Yikessss ! Every “Aunty” will advise you to loose or gain few pounds with tips to lose weight.  (AUNTY G KHUD TO AP AALLO KI BORRI LAG RI HAIN)

In the end I will advise you that if you want to stay happy then “Keep out from the reach of Aunties”.
Hope you liked the post. Share the questions which are being asked by you or your experience with aunts here in comment box, so that we could enjoy also.

P.S : This post is written for bringing smile on the face of readers. Please take it lightly. 

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